Conservation Areas

Lee Forum have applied to Lewisham and Greenwich councils for two new conservation areas: One of these is along Lee High Road and the other at Lee Green town centre.

Submissions were made in 2021 after some local residents suggested the idea due to the number of heritage assets combined with intense development pressures in both areas; Heritage expert for the Mayor of London, Edmond Bird, had recommnended to Lewisham and Greenwich councils in 2009 that Lee Green town centre merits conservation area status but the recommendation was not taken forward by the councils.

Whilst the community responded positively to the idea of these conservation areas as a recommended action during neighbourhood plan consultations, the Lee Neighbourhood Plan doesn’t designate conservation areas. The councils have their own designation application processes, and as part of these will consult local residents when they come to assess the applications.

Had the assessment been done before Galliard Home’s 2022 Leegate application a conservation area designation in Lee Green town centre could have carried significant weight over the design of Galliard’s plans. If the conservation areas are designated before other large sites like Sainsburys are redeveloped then they can influence the design of those sites.

We await the assessment by the councils and are told this will be done in 2024

The Appraisal document for each can be read via the links below:

Lee High Road


Lee Green Town Centre