Referendum Result: 87% in Favour of Local Councils Adopting the Lee Neighbourhood Plan!
On 15th February Lewisham and Greenwich councils asked local voters ‘’Do You Want the London Borough of Lewisham and the Royal Borough of Greenwich to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Lee Neighbourhood Area to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’’
The plan will now be adopted by Lewisham and Greenwich councils, meaning:
- The councils will look at the plan when they receive planning applicatoins from land and property owners. They will give planning permission to those that comply with the plan.
- The councils will look at the plan when deciding how to spent developers money locally to improve the lives of the local community.
Where can I read more about the Plan?
- The Lee Neighbourhood Plan covers areas like
green spaces
community assets
local amenities
- Read examples of policies which councils will use to decide planning applications and how developers money is spent locally and examples of recommended actions and projects which the community can use to help raise funds and engage with stakeholders to realise local aspirations here.
- Read eleven pages of policies that the councils would use to decide planning applications and how developers money is spent locally.
- If you then want to read more, use the contents page of the plan to read sections you’re interested in, paying particuar attention to the figures, which map what local people want.
- Read this Q&A section to find answers to common questions.
- IF you decide you want to read the backing documents, scroll through the Neighbourhood Planning pages of Lee Forum’s website, picking out the links you are interested in.
- If you want to read the council’s take on neighbourbourhood planning,, head to Lewisham and Greenwich council’s websites
*Please note LTNs do not fall within the remit of neighbourhood planning*
Join the Neighbourhood Planning Movement
Many communities across the country are developing neighbourhood plans. 99% of plans that have gone to referendum have been voted in. Case studies showing how neighbourhood plans benefit communities can be read here. Grove Park and Crofton Park have already voted ‘yes’ to neighbourhood plans and we hope Lee will do the same. Several other communities across Lewisham and Greenwich are currently developing neighbourhood plans.
Learn More
Learn more about the Lee Neighbourhood Plan by reading either the full plan or the shorter key policies
If you are confused or worried about anything, don’t keep it to yourself, we want to hear from you. Email or come to one of our information and Q&A sessions:
Lee Forum are all local volunteers and are always looking for new volunteers and committee members. Please get in touch.
The Lee Forum area is shown in the map below: