10 Writing the Plan 2017-2018
A consultant planner was engaged with to develop the neighbourhood plan into a professionally produced plan which reflects the consultation results, evidence and vision and objectives that had been developed by Lee Forum. In order to be robust and legally complaint it was (and still is) lengthy. It includes sections on:
• Green and Blue Spaces planning policies and recommendations
• Transport and Connectivity planning policies and recommendations
• Building Homes and Amenities planning policies and recommendations
• Local Retail, Leisure and Economy planning policies and recommendations
• Heritage and Design planning policies and recommendations
• Area Design Guidance planning policies and recommendations
• Priority Projects to be funded by money given to the councils by developers
The policies in these sections are built on these special principles:
Spatial Principle 1: Green Infrastructure and active travel-led development to achieve:
• A continuous local green chain linear park between Manor Park and Sutcliffe Park linking the route of the River Quaggy (including the hidden parts) to be known as the River Quaggy Trail.
• Increased protection and use of the area’s playing fields
• Increased opportunities for active travel such as walking and cycling in the Forum area.
• The creation of a nature trail connecting the Hither Green Triangle along the railway tracks to sites of nature conservation importance south of St Mildred’s Road.
Spatial Principle 2: Heritage-led development to achieve:
• Protection and enhancement of heritage assets (designated and non-designated).
• Heritage-sensitive design of new development, especially in Lee Green Town Centre and, that considers scales, symmetry, form, massing, detailing etc.
• Sensitive integration of new development of human scale, particularly in the District Town Centre.
• Use of high quality innovative design and materials contributing to the ongoing evolution of local character
Spatial Principle 3: Accessible and connected social-cultural nodes of retail and social activity to achieve:
• A healthier public realm within and between the Lee Forum areas of principle retail activity to encourage a thriving local economy in line with the Mayor of London’s Healthy Streets Approach.
• Amenities that serve all cultures and age groups living in the Forum area.
• A thriving local economy.
• Opportunities for active and sustainable travel, negating over-reliance on cars
At the end of the planning policies sections, the neighbourhood plan includes a section on design guidance across the Lee Forum area. Additionally it includes recommended further actions explaining what local people have said they would like to see in the area which cannot be included as planning policy.