9 Themes, Aims, Vision, Options 2017

Working groups were formed from the wider Lee Forum membership to analyse the consultation responses and evidence in order to develop a Vision and Objectives for the Lee Neighbourhood Plan.

Consultation Results Summary:

Lee Forum Area Unique Qualities Lee Forum Area Key Issues Lee Forum Area Priorities
A strong, family-oriented and diverse community driven to improve their neighbourhood

The River Quaggy

Access to parks and sports grounds

Large areas of consistent heritage architecture

Community library in the Grade II listed Lee Manor House in the conservation area

Community centre in the retail shopping centre

Its district level retail offer with good locally run shops

Many local and diverse community groups

A number of tree lined roads

River Quaggy hidden from view for most of its stretch through Lee

Lack of school, affordable childcare and other facilities provision

Decline of district level retail with a poor range of provision

Many heritage buildings empty / disrepair / run-down

Traffic heavy town centre and ‘rat-runs’

Unacceptable levels of litter and pollution levels



Under-valued and underused retail on Lee High Road

The District Centre – its function and design and relationship to the proposed Leegate redevelopment

Wider variety of shops and amenities including community centres

Protection of heritage features to avoid any deterioration of the pleasant environment

Access to the River Quaggy

Provision of facilities relative to the demand

Improved traffic management

Improved green spaces and environmental standards

Design creating ongoing quality history

These results were then developed into these Objectives:

Objectives of neighbourhood plan
Area Objective
Family & community Be recognised as one of London’s top 10 places to bring up a family and grow old
Green and Blue (eg Quaggy) spaces Protect and grow green/blue space
Diversity and independent shops and businesses Protect and grow the number of independent businesses in line with our cultural diversity.
Transport (Getting around) Connections Protect and grow our transport connectivity and reduce air pollution
Heritage and character To ensure existing and new high quality buildings add to the wellbeing of our area and are protected for future generations

These working groups and volunteers then drafted the first version of the neighbourhood plan.