7 Community Engagement and Involvement 2016 – 2022

Community surveys, consultation events, workshops, guided walks, collaborations with other local groups and other Engagement activities were held by Lee Forum to determine how the local community would like to see their area developed and conserved in future years. Examples of these include:

  • Area-wide online and physical surveys on all issues and options
  • Topic specific surveys eg on bus routes and with local traders
  • All issues and options workshops run by Lee Forum and together with other local groups and Local Assemblies
  • Topic specific workshops with local people and specialists eg masterplanning in Lee Green town centre with AECOM and UCL Bartlett Masters students
  • Outreach meetings with specific groups across the forum area eg local parks users groups, conservation groups, residents groups, community groups and centres on specific topics of interest to them
  • Guided walks across the forum area, sometimes run by specialists and sometimes in collaboration with other groups
  • Hosted stalls at local community events eg FUSS fairs and Manor House Gardens festivals
  • Meeting with local councillors

Summaries of consultation outcomes and how they have been interpreted and responded to by the forum can be read in the Consultation Statement here

Examples of original consultation feedback can be read here.

Consultations were advertised by area-wide leaflet drops, social media and email, connecting with other local groups who spread the word and posters on local notice boards.

Suggestions and images from some of those consultations can be seen below:

“We’d like Lee to be a distinctive and welcoming place attracting people from a wide catchment area to visit, work, study, shop and stay.”

“We want to see the District Town Centre thrive once more. New development should respect the much-loved heritage architecture and contribute to a sustained local economy and healthy environment.”

“We want future development to contribute to enhancing the best of Lee’s natural heritage assets, protecting and connecting green infrastructure, particularly a linear park making the River Quaggy a public asset to be enjoyed by all.”